Sunday, May 31, 2009

how u know that one?


The guitarist for the band Killborn
Music, guitars, drums
I have some great friends
and some not so great
My cat has been missing for a month now :'(
My closest friend left me in pain
I've felt too much pain, thanks
So please don't multiply it

I prefer to speak English but I can speak Malay too
My fav genres are thrash metal/heavy metal/speed metal/hard rock
I don't care what people say about how ungirly i am
I'm just being myself, idiots!
So what if I'm different, that's unique
and It's something that you'll never be
So dream on, fagots!

This year, my senior year in high school is the toughest year I've ever had to go through
I've lost so many friends along the way
and gained a few
I've seen all my friend's true colour
The sides that I've never seen before
Some are great and some are just awful
But then again, nobody is perfect

Thanks to all of my friends who have stuck by me through all of these years
and thank god that my so-called "friend" is out of my life
Please do me a favor and never return
Thanks for your pretending friendship

Add me, I would love to be your friend
But to add me so I can increase your number of friends?
Oh hell no!!
If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you
Don't be scared, I wont eat you :D

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

sibuk yang berleluasa

fifa online NOW!

golden goal for the last edition

nanti lah aku beritau keputusan.
perak menang.

Monday, May 25, 2009


kejohanan antara teknik kebangsaan 2009. Aku wakil negeri perak.
kelantan : 3-1 : perak
Johor : 1-2 : perak
perlis : 2-3 : perak
p.pinang : 0-2 : perak
negeri sembilan : 0-1 : perak
Kelantan menang melalui sepakan penalti.
tapi dapat dikesan. main tipu. perak menang.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Resize Pictures Online
the great events. rasanya-lah

Sunday, May 3, 2009

sun of the sunny day

hari ini ahad. saya tidur malam smlm lewat.pukul 5 baru tidur.buat math mode skali.
lpas tu ngantuk..tertidur..lampu tak padam. bagun pagi. ibu kejut.
ibu:"syafiq, bagun lah. nak balik asrama kan? pegi lah beli tiket. karang habis baru tau".
s: kejap la.mandi pon tak lagi ni. pegi mintak duit kejap kt ayah.
saya berlalu ke tandas. untuk membersihkan kotoran badan.